Brazilian Zouk

Brazilian Zouk – a social couple dance that can be danced between any two people who know the structure of this dance. It is sometimes called the social dance of dancers because of its’ many techniques that are derived from other dances. The roots of Brazilian Zouk dance came form Lambada dance which was very popular in Brazil until 1983. At that moment some Lambada dancers started searching for new kind of music on which they could dance. What they found on radio stations from across the seas was music called “Zouk” which comes from the French Caribbean islands (Martinique, Guadalupe). At that point dancers were naming this dance “Lambada Zouk”, “Lamba-Zouk”, “Zouk Love”. Only later the name of “Brazilian Zouk” was given.
These days this dance has many styles and variations depending on the music it is danced to. From faster and flowing “Lambazouk” to more choppy R&B style “Black Zouk” to more soft and slow variations like “SoulZouk”. It is sometimes hard to describe or distinguish these styles one from another because they all share the same (or similar) technique. It is possible to share different styles of Zouk (Short for Brazilian Zouk) in one dance. Also every dance can look totally different one to another. Almost to the point where an inexperienced eye would not find similarities.

Brazilian Zouk social dance party in Kiev, Ukraine
Even though this dance has a lot of technique – a person can start practicing from day one of when his classes start.
In this dance the emphasis is not on fancy moves that you can do, but on social aspect of this dance:
- What can you co-create together with your partner?
- How can you both communicate what you want and achieve it?
- How to have a deep conversation just with your bodies?
- How to build connection and mutual understanding without forcing your partner?
This dance has a big potential to improve you not just as a dancer, but as a person. We dive deep in understanding the leading and following and also how to listen even if you lead and how to say your wishes even if you’re supposed to follow. How to live in a flow with your partner?
“To become a good dancer you need to become a good person”
Modestas Stonkus
In our classes and retreats we don’t just teach dance technique. We also teach dance concepts. Like how to cooperate with your partner. Respect and honor each other, discover your style of dancing and open your creativity. It is an amazing way for couples in relationships to build their relationship while learning something together. And for other people this dance can serve as a personal development path.

Latihan (from Indonesian latihan kejiwaan; “spiritual exercise”) is a form of spiritual movement practice. It comes from an international spiritual movement called “Subud“. That began in Indonesia in the 1920s, founded by Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo.
In essence it is a form of meditation that is done in a dance and sometimes accompanied with sounds or songs. A practitioner brings himself into relaxation of the body. Through meditation slowly frees himself from attachment to moving because of command of the mind. Dropping the idea of what is right or wrong. It is a practice of letting go of the mind chatter and being in the moment with your full presence and awareness. It is a practice of releasing ego self-control. This practice is done in a meditative state of conscious witnessing. It feels like surrendering for the Divine and the flow that arises from within.
This practice as other meditation techniques has many benefits to human experience:
- It can relieve anxiety;
- Bring a person into a much more joyous life;
- Teaches the practitioner to accept himself and his life;
- Induces self-love;
- Brings more self-awareness;
- A way to integrate life experiences;
- A way to move through tough times;
- A way to reach and release hidden emotions;
- A practice to get out of your own way in life.
This practice brings the practitioner to an entrainment to alpha wave brain-state and induces an autohypnotic trance. These states help to reach the unconscious and deal with subtle troubles that are disrupting our lives.

Ecstatic Dance Journey
Contact Beyond Contact
Contact Beyond Contact (CBC) is a dance and healing practice that integrates Authentic Movement (AM), Contact Improvisation (CI) and Passing Through (PT) together with Yoga, Qigong, meditation, healing modalities principles of behaviourism, mindfulness, leadership skills, Buddhism, Hinduism and Taoism and all human senses for a holistic integration of the body, mind, heart and spirit.
An important practice in CBC is the focus we bring to the body through all the human senses, on healing modalities as well as on energy work through Qigong and Yoga philosophies. This integration will allow us to genuinely connect from the heart within the self, with an-other, with the environment as well as with nature beyond the means of physical contact. There is an incentive of nurturing communication beyond language and normal means, thus to enhance the metaphysical aspects of the human organism.
Dance is a social and integrative practice that connects people. We believe that everybody can dance so we created these open and all-inclusive dance and healing festival for people to truly connect with the self and others through dance. This workshop will be focused on technical aspects of Contact Improvisation integrating energy work from qigong, breathing patterns to enhance reciprocal connection from within, and somatic exercises to create a full embodied practice.
Our Vision
Our vision is to establish conscious dance practice as a profound practice for human connection, healing and human evolution. To create a transformational environment of healing in which we can unite people from different cultures, ethnicities, backgrounds, gender and ages.
About The Session
During the session, we will guide you through a unique journey to explore and experience profound transformations in your body, mind, emotions and spirit. We will focus the sessions on different senses to stimulate and expand from within. You will experience deep sensations within yourself for creating genuine relationships with the self and others through the unique practice of Dance.
The integration of this practice will allow you to genuinely connect from the heart within the self, with an-other, with the environment as well as with nature beyond the means of physical contact. There is an incentive of nurturing communication beyond language and normal means, thus to enhance the metaphysical aspects of the human organism.
The aim and vision through this practice is to create a transformational environment of healing in which we can unite all people from different cultures, ethnicities, backgrounds, gender and ages. Contact starts already in the space in between before the skin to skin contact. The eyes need to come into contact with what they witness; The ears need to come into contact with the vibrations of sounds within and all around us to listen.
CBC was created after many years of dance practice, research and teaching, and by integrating healing modalities, meditation and spirituality. CBC has taken a unique substance and form that we wish to share to the world for transformation and healing.
CBC was created by Vangelis Legakis (the artistic director of Unity Space), and is an accredited practice under the organization Unity Space Global Ltd. established and registered in Hong Kong.
Who is this for?
• For dance artists, healers, therapy practitioners, psychologists, yoga, chi gong and martial arts practitioners, dance therapists, shamans, counselors and people who are involved in community work.
• For people who enjoy dance and wish to dive deeper into the practice.
• For people who want to learn more about themselves and how to relate with others to build strong relationship bonds.
• For people who are driven to make the change in this world for a better tomorrow.